We need to add the path to the .bashrc file
#---------Fleur path----------------------------------
export FLROOT=/home/algerien/abinitio/fleur/build
- gfortran
- libraries: BLAS/LAPACK, libxml2
- doxygen
Downloading and installation
1- git clone https://iffgit.fz-juelich.de/ fleur/fleur.git
2- cd fleur3- git checkout stable4- ./configure.sh
5- cd build/6- make............................................................ ........... to check if the code works as expected7- ctest
To obtain the code you should use git:
git clone https://iffgit.fz-juelich.de/fleur/fleur.git
Now you will find a directory called 'fleur' in which the code resides.
After cloning several branches(versions) of FLEUR are available:
- standard is the 'develop' branch which should contain the newest version. This sometimes does not run/complile but here all the bugfixes should appear first.
- the 'stable' branch will let you access the monthly snapshots.
- the 'release' branch will point to the last release.
You can choose the branch to use by typing for examle git checkout stable
. This has to be done in the fleur directory.
If you are having trouble with git you can also download an archive containing the 'fleur' directory from https://iffgit.fz-juelich.de/fleur/fleur
Building with LibXC
If the user decides to compile Fleur together with LibXC support, LibXC needs to be of version >=5.0.0
. The easiest way to install Fleur with LibXC is to download Fleur with git:
git clone --branch release https://iffgit.fz-juelich.de/fleur/fleur.git
Then you can configure Fleur with
./configure.sh -libxc TRUE