To download and install MaX-5.1 version of Fleur code click on the following link:
How to download and install Fleur code (Version MaX-5.1)
To calculate the band structure of Silicon we proceed as follows:
First we create a directory called Si_band and change to it
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials> mkdir Si_band
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials> cd Si_band
we need the struct file called inpSi.txt
alpha Si
&input film=f /
&lattice latsys=cF a0=2.67247737973 a=3.86709 /
14 0.125 0.125 0.125
14 -0.125 -0.125 -0.125
&kpt div1=3 div2=3 div3=3 tkb=0.0005 /
Creation of input file inp.xml using inpgen program
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Si_band> inpgen -f inpSi.txt
Welcome to FLEUR - inpgen (
MaX-Release 5.1 (
Processing k-point string:
Generating default k-point set
8 8 8 512
Processing k-point string: band=240
Generating a k-point set for bandstructures with 240 k-points
Stored k-point lists:
default MESH 60 8 x 8 x 8
path-2 PATH 240 X - K - g - L - W - X - g
Run finished successfully
Stop message:
All done
Rank:0 used 0.041 0.006 GB/ 42824 kB
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 436 100 101 100 335 194 646 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 645
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL
We get the following output files
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Si_band> ls
default.econfig inpSi.txt inp.xml kpts.xml out scratch struct.xsf sym.xml usage.json
SCF calculation
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Si_band> fleur
========== k-point set info ==========
Selected k-point list: default
k-point list type: mesh
8 x 8 x 8
Number of k points: 60
Number of OMP-threads: 4
Iteration: 1 Distance: 8.3978763318531193
Iteration: 2 Distance: 7.9308061411190698
Iteration: 3 Distance: 0.92315692087222601
Iteration: 4 Distance: 0.53193789731964214
Iteration: 5 Distance: 0.21834356000472049
Iteration: 6 Distance: 2.0382807412186218E-002
Iteration: 7 Distance: 1.3459539453815082E-002
Iteration: 8 Distance: 1.3250797154136997E-003
Iteration: 9 Distance: 1.8920853160491063E-003
Iteration: 10 Distance: 1.7915187323775390E-004
Iteration: 11 Distance: 4.6572139849496764E-005
Iteration: 12 Distance: 9.4972035200838346E-006
Run finished successfully
Stop message:
all done
Rank:0 used 0.264 0.019 GB/ 338736 kB
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 837 100 101 100 736 206 1506 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1505
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL
BAND calculation
Select the kpoint path suitable for band calculation from kpts.xml file. There are 1 mesh called default and 1 path called path-2 created by the inpgen program in kpts.xml file. Only the path is suitable for band calculation.
default MESH 60 8 x 8 x 8
path-2 PATH 240 X - K - g - L - W - X - g
We select path-2 and add it in inp.xml file as follows:
<kPointListSelection listName="path-2"/>
<!-- k-points included here -->
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="kpts.xml"> </xi:include>
And we convert the band switch from F to T in the output element as follows:
<output dos="F" band="T" slice="F">
Now we do a band calculation using fleur program
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Si_band> fleur
The band structure is in file band.gnu which we plot it using gnuplot program
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Si_band> gnuplot < band.gnu > bands.JPG