To download and install MaX-5.1 version of Fleur code click on the following link:

How to download and install Fleur code (Version MaX-5.1)

To calculate the band structure of Silicon we proceed as follows:

First we create a directory called Cu_DOS and change to it

algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials> mkdir Cu_DOS
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials> cd Cu_DOS

we need the struct file called CuBulk.txt

Cu Bulk

&lattice latsys='cF' a0=1.8897269 a=3.63689 /

29 0.0 0.0 0.0


Creation of input file inp.xml using inpgen program


algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Cu_DOS> inpgen -f CuBulk.txt 
Stored k-point lists:

default MESH 182 12 x 12 x 12
path-2 PATH 240 X - K - g - L - W - X - g


We get the following output files 

algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Si_band> ls
default.econfig CuBulk.txt inp.xml kpts.xml out scratch struct.xsf sym.xml usage.json



SCF calculation

algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/CuBulk> fleur

Selected k-point list: default
k-point list type: mesh
12 x 12 x 12
Number of k points: 182

Number of OMP-threads: 4
Iteration: 1 Distance: 38.981759965136519
Iteration: 2 Distance: 28.637037899171727
Iteration: 3 Distance: 7.7688793417624868
Iteration: 4 Distance: 6.7271094524707626
Iteration: 5 Distance: 1.1814782146229561
Iteration: 6 Distance: 2.7786141632634913
Iteration: 7 Distance: 0.28891189135966749
Iteration: 8 Distance: 0.39484170078324854
Iteration: 9 Distance: 8.6303711082258636E-003
Iteration: 10 Distance: 2.5426373969631398E-003
Iteration: 11 Distance: 1.8386045922030210E-003
Iteration: 12 Distance: 6.8486214166216101E-005
Iteration: 13 Distance: 5.4815540307270092E-005
Iteration: 14 Distance: 2.8051269066192828E-006

Run finished successfully
Stop message:
all done


DOS calculation 

Select the kpoint path suitable for band calculation from kpts.xml file. There are 1 mesh called default and 1 path called path-2 created by the inpgen program in kpts.xml file. Only the default mesh is suitable for DOS calculation.


               NAME           TYPE      NKPT   COMMENT
default MESH 182 12 x 12 x 12
path-2 PATH 240 X - K - g - L - W - X - g

We  let the default choice in the inp.xml file as follows:

<kPointListSelection listName="default"/>
<!-- k-points included here -->
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="kpts.xml"> </xi:include>

And we convert the dos switch from F to T in the output element as follows:

 <output dos="T" band="F" slice="F">


Now we do a DOS calculation using fleur program 

algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Cu_DOS> fleur



The DOS  results is stored in file local.1 which we plot it using gnuplot program

We have made this simple script called dos.gnu to plot s, p states and total DOS

set terminal postscript enhanced color "Times-Roman" 20
set ylabel "DOS (arb.units)"
set xlabel "E - E_F (eV)"

set title "Cubulk"

set xrange [-12:8.0]

plot "Local.1" using 1:5 with lines title "1s" ,"" using 1:6 with lines title "1p" ,
"" using 1:2 with lines title "Total" 


algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Cu_DOS> chmod +x dos.gnu 
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Cu_DOS> gnuplot < dos.gnu > dos.jpg
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/Fleur_tutorials/Cu_DOS> convert dos.jpg dos.png


We get this plot